heidi perks book cover of three perfect liars

Three Women With Hidden Agenda


Laura has returned to work at Morris and Wood after her maternity leave, only to discover that the woman she brought in to cover for her isn’t planning on going anywhere. Despite her close relationship with the agency’s powerful CEO, Harry Wood, she feels sidelined—and outmaneuvered—as she struggles to balance the twin demands of work and motherhood.

Mia was only supposed to be a temporary hire at Morris and Wood, but she’s managed to make herself indispensable to everyone. Everyone, that is, except Laura. If people only knew why she was so desperate to keep her job, they might not want her to stay.

Janie gave up everything to support her husband and the successful agency he runs. But she has her own dark secret to protect…and will go to any lengths to keep it safe.


  • Title: Three Perfect Liars
  • Author: Heidi Perks
  • Publisher: Gallery / Simon and Schuster
  • Publication Date: August 18, 2020
  • Page Count: 336
  • Excerpt

My Thoughts

I was quickly hooked by this story. It felt unique and I loved how it began to flow. The chapters alternated between three women at different time frames before the fire. They were broken up with current day police interviews regarding the arson.

It doesn’t always take a thriller to hold my interest, since I’m curious by nature. And for me, this was not a thriller. I kept reading because I was curious. The writing was excellent and the characters and their emotions rang true.

Obviously, someone set fire to the Morris and Wood building. But who? This story slowly unwinds, which could be a problem for some. And to be honest, I would have been happier with a little more tension and excitement.

All in all, I’d say good writing carried me through the story more than the plot. The plot was interesting but felt a bit drug out.

What Concerned Me

There were areas that felt a bit far fetched. Especially, the last part of the book. On one hand, the explanation at the end felt long and drawn out. And on the other hand, there were places where more explanation would have helped. With more details, perhaps certain happenings at the end might have felt more believable.

For me, the end felt like the weakest part of the book.

My Conclusion

The presentation of the story immediately drew me in. I loved chapters by three women’s POVs at various weeks leading up to the fire, and current detective interviews interspersed between the chapters

Heidi Perk’s writing style is definitely worth taking a look at. Though Three Perfect Liars wasn’t my favorite of Perk’s books, I would certainly not pass it up.

If you haven’t read Her One Mistake by Heidi Perks, you might want to check that book out as well.

My thanks to #NetGalley and #Gallery for an ARC of this book and the ability to post a review of my opinion of it.


Good Chance You’ll Like It, But Maybe Not

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

About the Author

Photograph © Andy Rapkins

Heidi Perks was born and raised in the seaside town of Bournemouth on the south coast of England. After moving up to London for a short stint, she has since moved back to Bournemouth where she now lives with her husband and two children. Heidi has been writing since she was small, though for too many years her day time job and career in marketing got in the way. Now she writes full time and cannot think of anything she would rather be doing.

Photograph © Andy Rapkins


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  1. I found it to be an okay read. Could have been better. Fantastic review. I liked what concerned you as it concerned me too

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