Picture Book Bunnys Staycation

A Vacation Experience That Won’t Be Forgotten   When Bunny discovers that Mom is going on a business trip, sadness is written all over his face. What about the bedtime story she should be reading to him? He is sure there must be a solution to this terrible problem. Yes! He will get rid of her suitcase. The illustrations are so cute as we see various ways to disguise or dispose of the suitcase. ButRead More →

– What Is Your Perspective? –   What child, or for that matter adult, hasn’t occasionally felt a bit different? In I Am Small Mimi feels everyone is taller than her, she even wonders if she should have been named Mini instead of Mimi. Throughout the first of the book, Mimi tells, and the illustrations show, the reader just how small she is in comparison to others. She shares that her feet barely reach theRead More →

– A Court Room Drama – My Thoughts After a few years in prison, Edward Hall, a disbarred lawyer, is released, however, he has no intention of returning to his days as an attorney. But when he gets a desperate call from his sister Amy, a physician, he is forced to rethink everything. Amy has been to visit her husband, who she is currently separated from, and found him shot and bleeding. She immediately performs CPR thenRead More →

A Growing Concern: Homelessness Author Dianna Dorisi Winget takes us on a journey through the eyes of Shannon, a 12-year-old girl. After Shannon’s mom dies, her aunt Junie does her best to provide for both of them, but when she finds it impossible they take off to another state. A state, Aunt Junie tells Shannon, where there will be higher wages and they will be better off. So Aunt Junie, Shannon, and Shannon’s dog Boone head forRead More →

For those who aren’t aware, Tom Papa is a comedian known for his work in film, television, radio, and onstage. He is the head writer for Live from Here (formerly A Prairie Home Companion) as well as a regular on the radio show.  So it should come as no surprise that this book is a humorous compilation of short anecdotes about families and growing up. There are various chapters such as Moms & Dads / Children / Family Life / and Pets.Read More →