Or Is It Really Magical?
When an ice cream cone suddenly lands on Keith’s head, his friends start to tease him.
Ha-ha-ha, Keith’s got ice cream stuck on his head!” chuckled the other cats.
But fast-thinking Keith tries to save his pride by announcing that it is a magic hat, definitely NOT an ice cream cone!
That announcement quiets his friends. But now Keith might be in a bigger mess. His friends are anxious to see a few magic tricks.
As luck would have it, as Keith reaches to the ground to pick up his imaginary wand, it begins to move. (The reader can see it being carried along by ants.)
And when he waves it around, who should pop out of the ground but some rabbits, that are wondering who is shouting magic words. Presto! This seems to be another magic event.
In time the cats are all chased up a tree by a dog. But can Keith get them out of this predicament with his magic hat?
As the illustrations lead up to this moment, there are hints given for observant readers.
- Title: Keith The Cat With The Magic Hat
- Authors: Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet
- Illustrator: Sue Hendra
- Publisher: Aladdin (May 8, 2018)
- Hardcover: 32 pages
My Thoughts
What Concerned Me
I was a bit concerned that Keith would get away with his convenient lie, but it all worked out just fine. So, NO big worries.
What I Liked Best
I liked the fact that there were visual hints for kids. I also was pleased that Keith ended up confessing and that his friends handled it in a very “friendly” way.
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