A Girl, A Potato, And One Very Sad Flamingo
Publisher’s Description
A girl, a potato, and a very sad flamingo star in this charming sequel to I’m Bored by New York Times bestselling author and comedian Michael Ian Black and celebrated illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi.
Everyone feels sad sometimes—even flamingos.
When Flamingo announces he’s feeling down, the little girl and Potato try to cheer him up, but nothing seems to work. Not even dirt! (Which usually works for Potato.)
Flamingo learns that he will not always feel this way. And his friends learn that sometimes being a friend means you don’t have to cheer someone up. You just have to stick by your pal no matter how they feel.
Even if they’re a potato.
- Title: I’m Sad
- Author: Michael Ian Black
- Illustrator: Debbie Ridpath Ohi
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (June 5, 2018)
- Length: 40 pages
- Wordcount: 284
- Grades: P – 3
- Ages: 4 – 8

My Thoughts
The unlikely trio of a sad flamingo, a little girl with pigtails, and a potato comprise the unlikely cast of characters in The I’m Books by Michael Ian Black. The first book is I’m Bored (2012), and the newest I’m Worried (2019).
This is such a fun series. In fact, it’s one of my favorites.
The flamingo, whose text is always pink, announces that he is sad then asks the little girl if he will always feel that way. Her text is in blue and I love her reply:
“I don’t think so.”
Of course, the potato (brown text) has to chime in.
“I was sad once.”
The flamingo is surprised that a potato would ever experience sadness.
This is a story of few words but it handles this topic beautifully. It feels realistic, who doesn’t try to figure out ways to cheer someone up? But there is humor and truthfulness.
What Concerned Me
What I Liked Most
So many times this type of book can feel didactic or overly simplified. I’m not sure how Michael Ian Black addresses this emotion so well with only 284 words, but he does.
The answers that are given to flamingo never promise something that can’t be predicted. Will he always be sad? Answer: I don’t think so.
Though both potato and the girl try to help solve flamingo’s feelings of sadness (who of us don’t do that?) they quickly realize they can’t fix flamingo’s problem.

And the end of the book is absolutely perfect.
This is a book to definitely share with classrooms and children individually.
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About The Author and Illustrator

Michael Ian Black is a writer, comedian, and actor who currently appears on Another Period, The Jim Gaffigan Show, and Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp. He created and starred in many television series, including Michael and Michael Have Issues, Stella, and The State. He wrote the screenplay for the film Run, Fatboy, Run and wrote and directed the film Wedding Daze. Michael regularly tours the country as a stand-up comedian and is the bestselling author of the book My Custom Van (and 50 Other Mind-Blowing Essays That Will Blow Your Mind All Over Your Face), the memoir You’re Not Doing It Right, and the children’s books Chicken Cheeks, The Purple Kangaroo, A Pig Parade Is a Terrible Idea, I’m Bored, Naked!, and Cock-a-Doodle-Doo-Bop. Michael lives in Connecticut with his wife and two children.
Debbie Ridpath Ohi is the author of Where Are My Books?. Her illustrations also appear in Sea Monkey and Bob, written by Aaron Reynolds; I’m Bored (a New York Times Notable Book) and Naked!, written by Michael Ian Black; as well as ten Judy Blume chapter books and middle grade titles. For more info, visit DebbieOhi.com or @InkyElbows on Twitter.