Michelle Griep book

This Gripping Tale Takes You From

Rags To Riches

This intriguing story begins in 1861 at Dartmoor Prison, located in Devon, England. Oliver Ward has been there for 9 months. He is angry because he is innocent and he is unhappy with his father for not attending the hearing.

The reader gets a glimpse early on of his true character by some things that happen almost immediately in the story. Likewise, the actions of one man who oversees the inmates also clue us in to his character and demeanor.

Oliver’s journey after escaping the prison, quite by accident, leads him to Mrs. Dosett’s home. She is a fine woman who is wearing widow’s weeds. And though it seems unlikely, the two people discover that they have like interests and a like goal.

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Though Mrs. Dosett has lived quietly for the last few months, she and Oliver immediately begin making plans to rectify some wrongs. Plans that are bold and anything but quiet and safe.


  • Title: The House at the End of the Moor
    • Author: Michelle Griep
    • Publisher: Shiloh Run Press
    • Publication Date: April 1, 2020
    • Pages: 320

My Thoughts

To be honest, the very beginning of the book caught me off guard. I wondered what type of book I was reading? It wasn’t what I expected. But in no time it captured my interest and I realized it was truly the type of book I was looking for, and am accustomed to reading. So, if you too are taken a bit aback, just hold on to your hat, the journey is about to begin.

Though it opens with a prison scene, hold tight and know that it’s important to the story. Especially, the relationship between the prison guard and Oliver. I’m purposefully not relating much of the story, perhaps because I’m one who rarely reads bout a book before starting it. I want the story to surprise me along the way. So, I’m just going to tell you that if you like historical fiction, mystery, and a touch of romance, you’re sure to like this.

The characters felt believable and their actions became understandable, or at least more so, as we grew to know each one. Of course, the Christian element intertwines but never distracts. It,too, felt believable and appropriate for each character.

My Concerns

My first inclination is to say that I had no concerns, but if I think a little deeper, I guess I would have liked to have heard a bit more about Dartmoor and what historically was happening during the 1860s.


I liked that the story moved along. It didn’t feel bogged down anywhere with too much description, and even when I thought it was obvious where it might be headed, Griep threw in a twist. And most importantly, a believable twist.

This is my first book by Michelle Griep, but I can assure you that it won’t be my last.

Thanks to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions I’ve expressed are my own.

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

About the Author

Head over to Michelle Griep’s website to see just what a fun person she is. Her About page is sure to make you chuckle while learning about this talented writer. Don’t believe me? Here’s the first sentence on her page:

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Folks, trust me, this author, who obviously has a sense of humor, has created a book that is both entertaining and a beautiful example of many things including forgiveness and compassion.

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