– Can You Imagine The Unimaginable? –

  • Author: TJ Fox
  • Publisher: TJ Fox (March 2019)
  • Paperback: 270
  • Genre: Families / Women’s Fiction

Synopsis (from the author)

Life is rarely ever predictable. It is rarely even kind. But… sometimes… just sometimes, those unexpected turns that throw you into the chaos and upheaval of loss lead you to the exact place you need to be.

This is a story about love, but it isn’t a romance. It is about holding on when it would be easier to let go, about fighting for those that can’t fight for themselves. It is about finding and creating family through the unpredictable, beautiful mess that is life.

My Thoughts:

As Teri prepares for a date with Dylan, a guy she’s dated casually for a few months, she chats on the phone with her best friend, Jules. This goes on long enough that I began to wonder if the story was for a younger audience. In fact, I think I searched to see if it was a YA book.

But as I continued reading the puzzle pieces started slipping into place. Both ladies are in their mid to late twenties. Jules is married with children and she’s visiting with Teri about her concerns. She knows Teri is anxious to locate Mr. Right and settle down.

On this particular date, Teri is to meet Dylan at his house, a place she’s never been to. While Dylan has talked plenty about his younger siblings, she’s yet to meet them. She’s even a bit curious about Dylan’s home life.

And from that point on her life-journey begins to take twists and turns.

My thanks to #BookSirens and #TJFox for the opportunity to read this and give my honest review afterward.

What Concerned Me:

The beginning of the book felt . . . well, it’s hard to put my finger on. I guess I had a hard time getting to know or care much about Teri, or even the story. While the beginning did provide some necessary lead-up information, perhaps it came out too quickly. I believe I needed to get to really know Teri before the main plot whisked me away. Plus the lengthy paragraphs at the very start didn’t help pull me into the story.

Also, at times I had trouble with the dialogue.

  • While it may have been exactly what a person would say, it felt too lengthy and not tight.
  • Plus, there wasn’t enough difference in the dialogue or attitudes of the characters to make them feel unique.

What I Liked Best:

My true rating is 3.5 but I round up!

I like that the author was so knowledgable about some of the procedures, both medical and legal. Also, what the characters are experiencing seems to ring true.

After the initial start that I talked about above, the story picked up speed and my interest.

It is definitely an unusual plot. One that is uplifting and takes the reader on an emotional journey and a display of pure love.

About The Author

TJ is a slightly sane artist, amateur photographer, book addict, wife, mom and raging introvert who has more hobbies than she can count, so it is beyond shocking that she manages to find time to do any of them, let alone most of them and still have time to do anything else. Of all the talents she claims, writing wasn’t one of them until her muse dropped the idea for a book on her head.

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