William Has Great Plans For A Solo Getaway
- Title: William’s Getaway
- Author: Annika Dunklee
- Illustrator: Yong Ling Kang
- Publisher: Owlkids (March 15, 2020)
- Pages: 32
- Age Range: 3 – 7
- Click For A Peek Inside the Book
My Thoughts

The bond between siblings can be quite strong. But occasionally there needs to be some alone time. And that’s exactly what older brother William is looking for. But William’s younger brother has other plans.
In an effort to interest William in playing together, Edgar suggests several things to do, but William is set on being alone. So he heads to the one place he can be alone: his hot air balloon.

So why doesn’t Edgar join him there? He’s afraid to climb up the ladder.
But for once Edgar wants to play with his brother so bad that he does all he can to break through his fear of climbing.
But like some of us, Edgar is a little bit of a what-if person. So before he even begins to climb, he starts considering everything. What if he gets hungry, thirsty, or cold? He hurriedly grabs what he might need. Including his monkey, who might need to comfort Edgar if he gets lonely.
Will Edgar ever relax enough to rid himself of his fear? Is climbing the ladder to join his brother looking impossible?
The light-colored illustrations accent the text in a soft, gentle way.

What Concerned Me
Though the story was cute and had some good thoughts, I would have liked to see some indication as to why William changed his mind. It could have been very small, like seeing his brother’s determination and desire to be with him. But I needed him to show a reason for his change of mind.
What I Liked Best
It’s always great to see siblings get along and desire to be together. And imagination is always a fun element to add to a story.
I received a free digital copy from Netgalley and Owlkids. My opinions are my own.
About the Author
ANNIKA DUNKLEE is the award-winning author of many books, including My Name Is Elizabeth!, which was was named a 2011 New York Times Notable Children’s Book. Annika lives with her husband and two teens in Toronto, Ontario. Her older sister – who, thankfully, took the top bunk – lives there, too!