– Prepare For A Roller Coaster Ride! –

#NetGalley #UntilTheDayIDie Available For Purchase March 12, 2019

Shorie and her mom, Erin, are grieving the loss of husband and father. Nerves are frayed as they try to continue a very successful tech company and also get Shorie ready for her first year of college.

Erin seems to fall apart over Shorie starting college and her business buddies intervene and send her off to relax a luxurious spa in the Caribbean.  So we have Shorie at college, and her mom without technology on a remote island, an island where she is supposed to be relaxing and recovering.

But almost immediately Shorie discovers a discrepancy in company figures. But where is it coming from? Is it possible there was a bigger reason to get her mom out of the picture?

The fast roller coaster ride begins!

My Thoughts

What Concerned Me

 When I saw that one review called this a roller coaster ride, I jumped on board. This book starts out slow, in fact for me (a person who feels the need to be caught up in a story quickly), I wondered if I could make it through the whole book.

Yet, soon the story captured my interested and I was zooming through the pages, only to get to the end. A VE-R-Y S-L-O-W ride back into the roller coaster’s main platform. And this slow ending had several chapters untwisting the plot, by now a plot of far too many coincidences that I wasn’t sure I cared too much about.

As an avid reader, I engage “suspension of disbelief,” but this felt over-the-top unbelievable.

What I Liked Most

 To be honest, this is a very hard book to rate since the writing is so good. And much of the story is page-turning.

Since it has lots to offer and the things that concerned me might not bother you, definitely give this book a try.

Author: Emily Carpenter
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (March 12, 2019)
Pages: 348 paperback


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