Spotlight, Author Interview
and Giveaway
Category: Adult Fiction 18+, 212 pages
Genre: Literary
Publisher: Gail Force Publishing
Release date: June 2021
Content Rating: PG-13: Only language (one f-word, some sh*t, d*mn)
The Wilderness Spa brings people from three quite different sources together to survive catastrophe in the Alaskan wilderness. They amaze themselves in their ability to coalesce and work cohesively in the face of hunger, injury, insecurity, and possible death. With that on their minds, they explore statistics, logic, social justice, and challenges to philosophies and social norms.
After rocky starts when new members enter the group, they learn to find the best in their fellow travelers, how to help, follow, and lead when necessary. Nothing is ever easy. Without attacking each other, they dig deep to reconcile their differences.
Join the group as they make the best of what they have. Struggle along with them and reconcile your own philosophical belief systems with logic and science.
Jim Halverson is the author of Trials & Trails (2019) and Ponce, What Actually Happened at the Fountain of Youth (upcoming, 2021). Jim grew up in the rural, gold-mining town of Mokelumne Hill, CA and received his MBA from Golden Gate University. He spent part of his life on a ranch and is an avid student of psychology. He recognizes the struggles of all men and women seeking equality and respect. Jim and his wife, Gail, spend their time traveling from their small farm in Forestville, CA.
Connect with the Author: Website ~ Goodreads
What book has influenced you recently?
That’s easy; it would have to be Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Most of my characters in Wilderness Spa would have read it as well.
Do you have real-life wilderness experience that helped shape the setting for the book?
I spent nearly two weeks rafting on Alaskan wilderness rivers and other wilderness backpacking trips. Much like the fireside chats in Wilderness Spa, fireside discussions included everything from politics to religion to recipes.
Were any of the characters inspired by real life people you have known?
Only in the most general sense. So, no. Wilderness Spa characters developed to fit the psychological needs of the survival story.
The last thing we hear about Rick is, “He churned the arguments for science and belief in his mind and concluded that if he had to choose a side, he had missed the point of the entire discussion.” Could you elaborate on this?
Rick is the one true innocent in the book. He knew the arguments for science were bulletproof, but he wanted to retain his faith in Christianity. His fellow travelers gave him the opportunity to have it both ways, and he was thankful.
Most writers spice their stories with a sex scene or two. I didn’t find that here. Would you comment?
I can only answer that by asking: What would it add? There is nudity, threats, and opportunity. If you have ever been scared, exhausted, cold, and hungry—all at the same time—you know sex is not at the top of the list.
Who is your favorite character in Wilderness Spa?
Walt is my favorite character. He was heroic, but not the subject of superhuman acts. He was a team player and spent his life ready to help anybody in need.
Thank you so much for these wonderful insights into the story. Readers, don’t forget to enter the giveaway below.
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WILDERNESS SPA Book Tour Giveaway