What would you do if you woke up in your home… but it wasn’t your home at all?
When a man wearing a picture mask of her daughter Maisie’s face stands tauntingly in her garden, Lily Russell does the smart thing and calls the police. When she and Maisie wake up the following morning in an exact replica of their home, held captive by that same man, the police are no longer an option.
Surrounded by the rooms and things that once provided comfort and now only promote fear, Lily and Maisie must fight to survive. Because when no one knows where you are, you are your only hope.
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- Title: While You Slept
- Author: R. J. Parker
- Publisher: Harper Collins Imprint: One More Chapter
- Publication Date: July 24, 2020
My Thoughts

Though I like a story to start with a bang and keep me reading, the attempt to do that with this book just didn’t work for me.
Yes, it started out with a bang. But there was a problem. I didn’t know the characters. And I didn’t feel any empathy toward what was happening. Plus, the attempt to cause tension and excitement needed to take a step back. I needed a story and some background to cause me to care.
As I said, the story jumped right into tension and excitement, but I felt there were problems.
- A) What was happening felt vague and confusing.
- B) How long can you attempt to keep the tension high? It felt like it was written to be a thriller, but without cluing the audience on enough.
- C) You really could read it without suspending all disbelief.
I found myself skimming the pages and gleening the highlights rather than savoring the excitement and emotions that should have accompanied it.
Unfortunately, when the rabbit sprung out of the hat during the last fit few pages, I literally had to shake my head. No warning. No hints. No way to have guessed or anticipated the conclusion. And . . . the last sentence, well, it really confirmed that this book just wasn’t for me.
You will probably enjoy this book if you’re able to suspend disbelief and can engage in a story without much connection to characters.
My thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the ARC and the ability to review it and share my opinion.

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